NordForsk has opened a call for proposals on responsible use of Artificial Intelligence with a Nordic-Baltic perspective. Forte is one of eleven funding partners participating in the call.

Focus of the call

Through this call, NordForsk aims to fund projects that address shared Nordic and Nordic-Baltic societal challenges in the context of extensive use and implementation of AI in the region. The research initiative should contribute to cross-border mobilisation of capacity and competence building among Nordic and Nordic-Baltic research communities and strengthen networks and collaborations.

About the grant

In this call you can apply for one type of grant; project grant. Each research consortium must include research performing organisations in at least four Nordic or Baltic countries, of which at least three must be Nordic. The host institution (Project Owner) for the research project must be an established research performing organisation based in one of the countries co-funding the call.

Available call budget:

  • Nordic partners: up to 196 million NOK
  • Estonian partners: up to 300 000 EUR
  • Latvian partners: up to 600 000 EUR
  • Lithuanian partners: up to 300 000 EUR
  • Maximum amount of Nordic funding that may be sought: 16.3 MNOK

For more information about the call’s objectives, budget, conditions and eligibility criteria, see the call’s website at NordForsk »

Funding agencys

This call is announced as a collaborative effort between Forte, Innovation Fund Denmark, Independent Research Fund Denmark, The Research Council of Norway, The Research Council of Finland, The Swedish Research Council, The Icelandic Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (administrated by Rannis), The Research Council of Estonia, The Latvian Council of Science, The Research Council of Lithuania and NordForsk.